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Description of "A Teacher's View. Education in America"

A Teacher’s View. Education in America

Release November 20, 2014

ISBN - 13: 978-1501075773 (Paperback) Author: Reginald Grant

ISBN - 10: 1501075772 ( eBook) 105 Pages


Every prospective and new teacher should be required to read this book as a foundation for university teaching programs. It will serve as the perfect resource for policy makers and parents alike. The book is written in layman’s terms with academic research references and citations. Funny and insightful stories by a real classroom teacher make the book a great read.

This text was originally developed as a resource for people interested in the teaching profession. It will serve as an invaluable resource for new teachers that provides a comprehensive look at the educational system in the United States. The book includes historic background on the development of the American educational system and the policies that affect the outcomes. It provides a fresh perspective on multicultural education, and how bilingual education has impacted the educational system. It provides research based analysis and suggestions for the changes that need to be implemented to improve the educational prospects of current and future students.

A Teacher’s View. Education in America

Table of Contents


Why Students Learn

Cultural Learning

A Look at Different Groups of Learners’

Bilingual Education

Teaching & Learning Reading and Writing

Purilingual Education & Monoglossic Bilingual Education Policies


Special Education, Special Needs Children and Redesignating ESL students?

Technology and its Impact on Education Today

SIOP, Bloom’s Taxonomy and more

Reflections from a Classroom Teacher

Historical Background (English & Spanish)

Building Background is Essential for ESL/SEL Students

Research– Surveys and Internationals Students

Research-Why do International Students Come to America to Study English ?

Resources for Parents and Teachers

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