A Family of Authors at Tri3i Educational Conference October 24, 2015

Southern California Edison joins TRI 3I
“Don’t Count Me Out-Profound Diversity Gifted Conference”
(Monday, September 21, 2015 Los Angeles) TRI 3I announces that Southern California Edison has partnered with them for the “Don’t Count Me Out-Profound Diversity Gifted Conference.” Executive Director Dr. Patricia Lyons “We are excited to work with Southern California Edison to provide community outreach and education. It will be a long lasting partnership to help the community in line with our vision and goals.”
The TRI 3I pronounced (try-3-eye) 501 © (3) California Non-Profit Corporation conference “Don’t Count Me Out-Profound Diversity Gifted Conference” will be held on Saturday, October 24, 2014 from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Pasadena Convention Center, 300 East Green Street, Pasadena, California 91001. The theme promises to heighten your senses for the forgotten students’, parents and educators who believe in a vision for the future of education. Dr. Patricia Lyons, Retired Principal, Los Angeles Unified School District and TRI 3I Director’s vision, is in meeting the educational challenges low-socioeconomic, foster youth and other students are facing in seeking career and college pathways. Dr. Lyons has given scholarships to culturally-diverse student populations for twenty years. Her vision of Increase, Impact and Influence has exploded! Culturally-Diverse Educators from across the nation and the world have assembled to conduct workshops for the next generation students and their families.
Dr. Pedro Noguera, Distinguished Professor, is the Keynote Speaker; David Brewer of the Brewer Leadership Institute; Dr. Janet Saenz, Gifted Association of the Latin Americas; Frankie Williams, Behavior Specialist; Dr. Vince Carbino, City of Angels Online Curriculum Program; Dr. Aura Imbarus, Motivation; Dr, Moses McCutcheon, School to Success Model; Juliano Jarquin, Self-Efficacy; Dr. Csilla Koppany, Award-Winning Robotics & STEM Educator; and Renown Author, Reginald Grant. Other well-known educators will present exciting workshops on next-generation educational concerns. On-site vendors are invited to participate in the conference; with humility and gratitude, everyone is invited to attend the conference.
For more information, click on to the TR 3I website: Log on to: www.tri3i.org. The Early Conference Tax Deductible Registration Fee is $60 per person until Friday, October 1, 2015; thereafter, the price per person will be $80. The fee includes Complimentary Continental Breakfast, and Workshops. Early Registration is highly encouraged and guarantees reserved seating for groups of 10 or more! For registration information, contact Keith Morris, PR Chairperson at (323) 296-5836. The conference is open to parents, school administrators, teachers and the general public.
TR 3I (try 3 eye) California Non-Profit Corporation
10866 West Washington Boulevard, #183, Culver City, CA 90232
Phone: (323) 296-5836 TRI 3I Website: www.tri3i.org